Trial of the Take: Part 2 (C1E19)


Scanlan, Percy, Vex'ahlia, and Grog continue their quest with Lyra and Zahra to hunt Rimefang, an adult white dragon that was pursued by previous bands of veteran adventurers from the Slayer's Take who never returned! Is this a suicide mission or a true test of will?

Length: 4:28:00

Break length: 0:16:36

First half start: 0:07:58

First half end: 1:30:25

Second half start: 1:47:01

Second half end: 3:54:57

Characters in

  • Grog | Travis Willingham
  • Lyra | Felicia Day
  • Percy | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Scanlan | Sam Riegel
  • Trinket | Laura Bailey
  • Vex'ahlia | Laura Bailey
  • Zahra | Mary-Elizabeth McGlynn

Combat Encounters

  • Frost Giants , starts at 0:11:25 , end at 0:35:37 , rounds: 2
  • Rimefang , starts at 1:59:30 , end at 3:26:15 , rounds: 4