In the Belly of the Beast (C1E54)


With battle plans in place, Grog frees some Westruun citizens while Vox Machina busily prepares to engage Umbrasyl with the cunning of their tactics and the strength of the Herd of Storms. The hour arrives, Umbrasyl descends, and the battle begins...

Length: 4:26:48

Break length: 0:11:46

First half start: 0:07:54

First half end: 1:38:43

Second half start: 1:50:29

Second half end: 4:22:50

Characters in

  • Grog | Travis Willingham
  • Keyleth | Marisha Ray
  • Percy | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Pike | Ashley Johnson
  • Scanlan | Sam Riegel
  • Vax'ildan | Liam O'Brien
  • Vex'ahlia | Laura Bailey | leveled up to Ranger, 13 / Rogue, 1

Combat Encounters

  • Umbrasyl p1 , starts at 2:40:07 , end at 4:22:48 , rounds: 4