The Diver's Grave (C2E44)


The Mighty Nein investigate Fjord's shipwreck, and their underwater adventure takes a spooky turn as they head deeper into the Diver's Grave...

Length: 3:40:47

Break length: 0:17:28

First half start: 0:10:54

First half end: 1:43:33

Second half start: 2:01:01

Second half end: 3:37:57

Characters in

  • Beau | Marisha Ray
  • Caduceus | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Caleb | Liam O'Brien
  • Fjord | Travis Willingham
  • Frumpkin | Liam O'Brien
  • Jester | Laura Bailey
  • Nott | Sam Riegel
  • Yasha | ?

Combat Encounters

  • Merrow (Tide's Breadth Wreckage) , starts at 0:46:38 , end at 1:23:10 , rounds: 2
  • Dashilla the Sea Fury , starts at 2:54:42 , end at 3:51:03 , rounds: 4