A Storm of Memories (C2E46)


The Mighty Nein dock in Bisaft before setting sail through a dangerous storm to find the next temple of Uk'otoa...

Length: 5:02:06

Break length: 0:18:42

First half start: 0:11:05

First half end: 1:45:21

Second half start: 2:04:03

Second half end: 5:00:36

Characters in

  • Beau | Marisha Ray
  • Caduceus | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Caleb | Liam O'Brien
  • Fjord | Travis Willingham
  • Frumpkin | Liam O'Brien
  • Jester | Laura Bailey
  • Nott | Sam Riegel
  • Yasha | Ashley Johnson

Combat Encounters

  • Lightning Celestial , starts at 1:55:40 , end at 2:28:00 , rounds: 8
  • Sea Spawn , starts at 3:20:11 , end at 3:44:10 , rounds: 4