Perspective (C2E59)


The Mighty Nein engage with the stone giants in the Deepriver Mining Camp, then discover a more sinister danger deep in the Vermaloc...

Length: 3:42:50

Break length: 0:22:01

First half start: 0:12:52

First half end: 1:56:57

Second half start: 2:18:58

Second half end: 3:41:12

Characters in

  • Beau | Marisha Ray
  • Caduceus | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Caleb | Liam O'Brien
  • Fjord | Travis Willingham
  • Frumpkin | Liam O'Brien
  • Jester | Laura Bailey
  • Nott | Sam Riegel
  • Yasha | Ashley Johnson

Combat Encounters

  • Stone Giants , starts at 0:13:12 , end at 1:03:05 , rounds: 3
  • Chasme + Babaus , starts at 2:50:37 , end at 3:44:14 , rounds: 3
  • Chasme, Babaus , starts at 2:50:37 , end at 3:44:14 , rounds: 3