Misery Loves Company (C2E93)


The Mighty Nein find themselves on the hunt for the entity responsible for Nott's predicament, but neither the journey nor the quarry are quite what they expected...

Length: 4:08:25

Break length: 0:20:45

First half start: 0:12:37

First half end: 1:42:52

Second half start: 2:03:37

Second half end: 4:05:11

Characters in

  • Beau | Marisha Ray
  • Caduceus | Taliesin Jaffe
  • Caleb | Liam O'Brien
  • Fjord | Travis Willingham
  • Frumpkin | Liam O'Brien
  • Jester | Laura Bailey
  • Nott | Sam Riegel
  • Yasha | Ashley Johnson

Combat Encounters

  • Gorefeather Harpies , starts at 1:06:32 , end at 1:39:35 , rounds: 2