Locate Creature
Level: 4
Total casts: 9
Times cast above level: 0
Top Casters:
- Caduceus (4)
- Keyleth (4)
- Kashaw (1)
Episode | Time Stamp | Character | Cast Level | Notes |
C1E20 | 0:47:17 | Kashaw | 4 | Hotis is northeast |
C1E21 | 2:08:34 | Keyleth | 4 | Determines the Rakshasa is beyond the acid pit |
C1E49 | 2:15:40 | Keyleth | 4 | Spiders |
C1E91 | 3:50:57 | Keyleth | 4 | Hotis |
C1E92 | 3:20:52 | Keyleth | 4 | Utugash |
C2E63 | 3:38:58 | Caduceus | 4 | |
C2E66 | 3:30:23 | Caduceus | 4 | |
C2E86 | 0:21:38 | Caduceus | 4 | Yasha |
C2E118 | 2:17:11 | Caduceus | 4 |