Tidal Wave

Level: 3

Total casts: 7

Times cast above level: 0

Top Casters:
  1. Keyleth (7)
EpisodeTime StampCharacterCast LevelNotes
C1E462:02:18Keyleth374 to FE2 (dies), 88 to FE1 (dies)
C1E462:26:53Keyleth388 to LFE (dies) and FE3 (dies)
C1E771:22:15Keyleth321 Bludgeoning to Ember Roc and Fire Giant
C1E792:28:55Keyleth321 to Percy, 21+ to Fire Elemental (dies)
C1E931:01:21Keyleth318 Bludgeoning to Utugash and Tova, both are prone
C1E1080:37:53Keyleth319 to SG1, SG2, Vex'ahlia